Gonstead Technique in Fayetteville AR

Learn more about chiropractic adjustment technique we use at our Fayetteville AR chiropractic clinic. Call (479) 443-3211 today to schedule an appointment with our team.
Dr. Clarence S. Gonstead
Dr. Clarence S. Gonstead (1898-1978) began practicing chiropractic in 1923 in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin, a small farming community of 1,200 residents in south central Wisconsin. Dr. Gonsteads reputation spread throughout the state, the country and ultimately around the world, as a multitude of patients health problems were corrected remarkably fast by his brand of chiropractic treatment. Hundreds of patients were seeking his care on a daily basis, and with his dedication to helping these patients, Dr. Gonstead worked from 8 a.m. to midnight six days a week plus every Sunday morning from 5 to 10 a.m. to be able to accommodate these growing patient numbers. When Dr. Gonsteads schedule was at the limit of his physical capability, he knew the only solution to meet the public's health needs on the scale the public was demanding, was to build an unparalleled chiropractic treatment facility and staff it with Gonstead trained associates.
The Gonstead Clinic of Chiropractic, completed in 1964, was the third and final clinic Dr. Gonstead would design and treat patients from in this little town of Mt. Horeb before his death in 1978. Dr. Gonstead built the largest chiropractic facility in the world. A 22,000 square foot clinic, it had a waiting room to seat over 100 patients, 11 adjusting rooms, x-ray facilities and lab, and a lower level to hold chiropractic seminars. It was to become the most renowned chiropractic facility in the world. Next to his new clinic, Dr. Gonstead added a 78 room, full service motel to accommodate the clinics numerous long distance patients. Dr. Gonstead and his fellow staff members attended 300 to 400 patients on a daily basis. This huge following of patients led Dr. Gonstead to start the Gonstead Seminar of Chiropractic, helping to teach and devlop even more chiropractors in the art and philosphy of the Gonstead system of chiropractic treatment.
"Find the subluxation, correct it and then leave it alone" --- Dr. Clarence S. Gonstead
Why Do we use This Technique in Fayetteville AR?
Gonstead chiropractic has a singled definition of purpose; locating and correcting vertebral subluxations for the improvement of nerve function. The brain and the nervous system control every muscle and organ in the body. In fact every single cell in your body is controlled and monitored by your nervous system and the slightest interference to this communication can cause health problems and pain. The chiropractor utilizes his unique and refined art of skeletal analysis to detect any harmful misalignment and then specifically corrects the misalignment, thereby restoring proper nerve function and health. When proper nerve function is restored, maximum health can be achieved.
The doctors will tell you immediately if your health situation is a chiropractic case. If interference to your nervous system is found, correction of the misaligned bone with a gentle hands-on approach, the trademark of the Gonstead practitioner, will be performed. By specifically correcting only the bones that have misaligned, the doctors use a safe and biomechanically accurate approach.
7:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 11:00am
Saturday & Sunday
Reddell Family Chiropractic
103 West Colt Square Dr
Fayetteville, AR 72703